Help Managing
Exam & Academic
Help Managing
Exam & Academic

Help Managing Exam & Academic Performance

Are you or one of your children struggling to achieve the academic results they are capable of?
Or perhaps exams are stressful and anxious?

Whether studying for exams or at another stage of their academic career, students may need some help to get through some tough challenges and achieve their potential. While teachers and course material can provide facts and techniques on each subject, it is rare that information is given on a helpful mindset and ways to prepare mentally for exams. In fact, working through the education system can often introduce and reinforce negative thinking. For example, “I’m no good at maths”, “I’m in the lowest set for English”, “I hate science” etc

David helps students:

Boost Academic Performance:
Coaching and hypnotherapy with David offer valuable techniques to enhance academic performance. He can help change limiting (unhelpful) beliefs, increase motivation and develop focus. By rewiring thoughts and beliefs about a student’s abilities, they can build self-confidence, improve concentration and enhance memory retention. Additionally, these techniques can aid in developing effective study habits, time management skills and goal-setting strategies, bringing enjoyment and a renewed sense of purpose to education.
Overcome Exam Anxiety:
For most students and their families, the build up to exams are rarely a calm and enjoyable time! Pressure is felt by teachers and parents which add to expectations students place on themselves. The general perception of exams and their importance by the media and friends or peers can exacerbate this even more, resulting in often debilitating anxiety. David’s coaching and hypnotherapy provides practical solutions. Techniques such as deep relaxation, breathing exercises, and visualisation help alleviate stress and promote a sense of control during and in the build up to exams. By addressing the root causes of anxiety and transforming negative thought patterns, individuals can develop a calm, centred and positive mindset. Students can learn that stress and anxiety are not requirements for excellent exam results. With David’s help they can boost self-belief, reduce perfectionism and significantly improve performance under pressure. Exams which were once viewed as a weakness can then become a strength! David also helps Tutors and Educators to learn techniques and tools to encourage a beneficial mindset for their students. If you or someone you know would like help in improving their general academic or exam performance, please get in touch with David to find out more information.